Три звезды от The World’s Best wine list awards 2020

Дорогие друзья, мы с гордостью и трепетом делимся с вами радостной новостью. Винные карты ресторанов Wine&Crab получили высшую оценку три звезды ⭐⭐⭐ в рамках ежегодной оценки винных карт The World's Best Wine Lists Awards 2020, учреждённой авторитетным изданием The World of Fine Wine (@worldoffinewine). Это самая престижная премия, присуждаемая за винные карты, «винный Мишлен». 

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Открытие летней веранды

Режим работы ресторана в Барвихе остается прежним - с 9:00 до 23:00. И там на веранде на первом или втором этажах гости смогут начать свой день с завтрака с сырами и выпечкой, сделанными в сыроварне и пекарне ресторана, и дополнить традиционным шампанским.

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Пасхальные сладости и сладкие мастер-классы на дом.

Пасха – светлый праздник, который традиционно проводят с близкими. Мы подготовили целую корзину сладостей, европейскую и исконно русскую пасхальную выпечку, а заодно и приятный сюрприз для малышей. К печеньям мы вкладываем пакетик с глазурью, чтобы каждый мог раскрасить сладость сам. И не только дети!

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Охота на трюфель в Wine & Crab Барвиха!

Мы взялись за отечественную гурманизацию – от вина и крабов до деликатесных сезонностей. Представляем трюфельное поп-ап меню.

Это 9 блюд, включая RAW-форматы, вроде тартара из тунца и соусом из икры щуки, домашнюю пасту в разнообразных вариациях, пиццу с двумя видами молодого сыра с собственной фермы, морепродукты, бриошь – опять же из собственной пекарни – с грибным кремом и яйцами пашот и даже десерт (350 р.).

Трюфель будоражит сознание европейских шеф-поваров с XIII века, и с тех пор кулинарная история черного трюфеля не прекращалась. Изучать деликатесы по разумной стоимости – с Wine & Crab.

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Dear friends!  We hasten to inform you that Denis Krupenya is a true professional in his field has joined our team as the brand chief of all our projects! 

Recently Denis has been heading all our existing projects: Wine & Crab on Nikolskaya and Barvikha, The Wine Space, our own farm in the Kaluga region.  And also a project that is being prepared for opening in St. Petersburg - Wine & Crab on Krestovsky Island. 

New menus, farm products, gourmet desserts and, as always, lots of crabs and wine.  We are waiting for you in our restaurants!

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Seasonal update of the menu in Wine & Crab restaurants with an emphasis on hot and very hot.

The Wine & Crab restaurant follows the course and updates the menu according to the name: in the hot dishes section, there is a phalanx of Kamchatka crab cooked in sparkling wine with cauliflower and black truffle (1810 rubles), pickled seafood with Nero Venere rice and crispy corn (780 rubles), sea bass baked in sea salt with zucchini and crab sauce (930 rubles).

Also, in the pre-new year's rush and thoughts of vacation, as a luxury lunch or dinner offer black cod with baked carrots, seaweed and passion fruit (870 rubles) or salmon baked in miso sauce with avocado and hot tomatoes (1200 rubles).

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The Wine and Crab restaurant in Barvikha has launched breakfasts since the beginning of autumn.

In addition to the traditional items associated with Breakfast guests can also find very original versions of dishes that can only be tasted here.

Note that cottage cheese and cheeses are prepared in the restaurant's cheese factory, and milk, eggs and vegetables for Breakfast are brought from our farm.

For convenience the menu is divided into several sections: eggs, toast, cottage cheese and cheese, cereals, super breakfasts and pastries, drinks - smoothies and their "complicated" versions with all kinds of fruits and Superfoods - smoothie bowls.

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The Wine & Crab restaurant. located in the Barvikha Luxury Village complex offers delivery and home catering services. Items from the restaurant's main menu and wine list are available for ordering.

Guests can order 11 types of crab directly to their home: Kamchatka (600R for 100 gr), Murmansk fist King crab (790r for 100 gr), blue (600R for 100 gr), blue (510r for 100 gr), prickly (650R for 100 gr), stone crab (790r for 100 gr), mangrove (680r for 100 gr), "hairy" (350R for 100 gr), "frog" (260r for 100 gr), opilio (350R for 100 gr) and smoked Kamchatka crab (310r for 100 gr). Crab and other dishes from the main menu are accompanied by a special selection of wines that will perfectly complement lunch or dinner.

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In the Wine & Crab restaurants a new gastronomic offer “Bubble & Crab” has appeared which embodies the perfect combination of crab and champagne. Dishes with crab created by the Berezutsky brothers are selected for 15 fine champagne wines.

The special offer includes the following items: churros with opilio crab and kimchi sauce (320p), tacos with Kamchatka crab and guacamole (540P), crab & chips (380p), king crab with baked potatoes and black truffle (830p).

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